Dual-Column Zone Conversion Options


Click Conversion Options from the following menu or toolbar, or use the keyboard shortcut to access all EDGAR HTML Conversion Options:


Options > Conversion Options










The following dialog box will appear:



Click the Dual-Column Zone radio button to access ‘Dual-Column Zone Conversion Options.



This option allows you to set the Dual-column options for EDGAR HTML output.



Note: All the Dual-column options that you select here will be applied to all the corresponding dual-column zones within the document.




The ‘Dual-Column Zone Conversion Options apply to Dual-Column zones, which are primarily tables that are composed entirely of text and have only two columns.


  1. Add Gutter Column in the Middle

This option, if selected, will create a gutter column separating the two text columns.


  1. Specify Column Widths

If selected, this option will allow you to specify the percentages of the columns.


 Related Topics
Converting to EDGAR HTML

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Converted from CHM to HTML with chm2web Standard 2.85 (unicode)