Text Zone Conversion Options


The ‘Text Zone Conversion Options apply to all text inside of a Text (Ignore Line Breaks) Zone and Text (Preserve Line breaks) Zone.


Click Conversion Options from the following menu or toolbar, or use the keyboard shortcut to access all EDGAR HTML Conversion Options:


Options > Conversion Options










The following dialog box will appear:



Click the Text Zone radio button to access ‘Text Zone Conversion Options.



This option allows you to set the Text options for EDGAR HTML output.



Note: All the Text options that you select here will be applied to all the corresponding text zones within the document.



  1. Alignment
  2. Indentation
  3. Subscript
  4. Superscript
  5. Create HTML table around the Text (preserve line-break) Zone
  6. Paragraph Formatting (CSS)






  1. Auto-detect

Preserve the alignment from the original document.


  1. Left

Force all paragraphs in a Text Zone to be Left -aligned in the HTML output.


  1. Right

Force all paragraphs in a Text Zones to be Right-aligned in the HTML output.


  1. Center

Force all paragraphs in a Text Zones to be Center-aligned in the HTML output.


  1. Justify

Force all paragraphs in a Text Zone to be Justified in the HTML output.



Warning: Justify will not work if the zone is labeled as Text (Preserve break).



  1. No Alignment

Choose this option if you do not want to put alignment information in the HTML Code.






  1. Auto-detect

Preserve the indentation from the original document.


  1. Ignore

Choose this option if you do not want to put indentation information in the HTML Code.






  1. Auto-detect

Preserve the subscript from the original document.


  1. Ignore

Choose this option if you do not want to put subscript information in the HTML Code.






  1. Auto-detect

Preserve the superscript from the original document.


  1. Ignore

Choose this option if you do not want to put superscript information in the HTML Code.



Create HTML table around the Text (preserve line-break) Zone



Use this option to prevent the text from wrapping to the next line. This option only applies to Text (Preserve Break) Zone. Selecting this option will put a table structure around the paragraph (see illustration below):


Description: options_html_table_preserve



Paragraph Formatting (CSS)…



Use this feature to specify paragraph indentation and spacing for text and tables.


The following dialog box will appear:


Description: adddoc_htmlconversionoptions_text_css2



Note: Please enter the correct indentation and spacing parameters in pixel. A pixel (short for picture element) is a single point in a graphic image.



  1. Indentation:


  1. Left Indentation

Increase the left indent of an entire paragraph. Enter 0 to remove the indentation.


  1. Right Indentation

Increase the right indent of an entire paragraph. Enter 0 to remove the indentation.


  1. First Line

You will be able to create a first-line indent on a paragraph. Enter 0 to remove the indentation.



Warning: When using the First Line Indentation in the Paragraph Formatting (CSS) option, please set the indentation value under Text Zone Conversion Options to ‘Ignore’. The default value of this field in the Text Zone Conversion Options is set to ‘Auto-Detect’. Please note that only one of these Indentation Options should be used.



  1. Spacing:


  1. Before

This option determines the amount of space above a paragraph.


Enter pixel numbers to change spacing before paragraphs. Enter 0 to remove before paragraph spacing.


  1. After

This option determines the amount of space below a paragraph.


Enter pixel numbers to change spacing after paragraphs. Enter 0 to remove after paragraph spacing.


  1. Line spacing

This option determines the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph. By default, lines are single-spaced, meaning that the spacing accommodates the largest font in that line, plus a small amount of extra space.


Enter pixel numbers to change line spacing. Enter 0 to remove line spacing.


  1. Word spacing

This option increases or decreases the white space between words.


Enter pixel numbers to change word spacing. Enter 0 to remove word spacing.



Tip: Paragraph formatting is also available by clicking on text or table cell to enable Text or Cell Properties, and then right click to select Indentation and Spacing…



 Related Topics
Converting to EDGAR HTML

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